Returns & Refunds

Firstly, thank you for shopping with NutriBox.

I need to return my Order

If you need to return your order for an exchange or refund, you must initiate the return within 7 days of receiving the delivery at your designated address.

Regrettably, we are unable to process returns or exchanges beyond this period due to the nature of goods.

When preparing your return, be sure to include your order number, the reason for returning the item, and specify whether you would like a refund or a replacement. Please be aware that NutriBox does not cover return shipping costs.

Before sending any items back, kindly reach out to us at Ensure that all returned items are clearly labeled with your name and order information.

Return Requirements

To be eligible for a return, the product must be unused, in its original condition as delivered, and in its original packaging. Additionally, you must provide proof of purchase from NutriBox.

The following conditions must be met for a successful return:

  • The product should be in a condition fit for resale, with no damage to the packaging, seal, or labeling.

  • The product must be unopened and in its original packaging.

  • The return must be made within 7 days of the delivery date.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact our Customer Service Team at