A Must-try High Protein Vegan Breakfast Recipe

Admittedly, when my husband and I just started dating in 2016, the idea of having breakfast every day didn’t quite resonate with me. Cooking or prepping breakfast foods always seemed so insipid. Plus, what made it worse was that I didn’t eat most foods that are considered “breakfast” in the traditional western sense at the time. Think dairy, eggs, oats… Also, bananas.

So naturally, my argument back then was that each person differs in how they approach nutrition; when, what and how they choose to eat, and how their bodies respond to certain food groups.

But, while some of that still holds true for me today to a certain extent, now that I better understand and know substantially more about nutrition, I am definitely more open-minded about the importance of having a nutritious daily breakfast. (For my intermittent fasting antagonists, you can come at me later for this one)

My change in mindset about breakfast, and particularly oats and protein, really began when I took up running about a year or two ago. With running becoming a regular part of my morning routine, and after a few months into my training, I very soon started to realise that I need more energy to perform well and recover properly.

To my surprise (and a couple of “I told you so’s”), after giving oats a couple of more tries, the difference it has made in my life and the benefits I have personally experienced are just too good to ignore. Hence, the reason why I would love to share my High Protein Vegan Breakfast Recipe with you.


High Protein Peanut Butter & Banana Oats Recipe

What you’ll Need:

  • 1/2 cup whole oats (raw)

  • 1/2 tbsp 100% peanut butter

  • 1 medium banana, sliced

  • 1 scoop Nuzest Clean Lean Protein

  • 1/2 tsp chia seeds

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 10 frozen raspberries

Nutritional Values:

  • Calories: 455

  • Protein: 30g

  • Carbohydrates: 65.05g

  • Fiber: 13.7 g

How to Make it

  1. In a small saucepan, add the oats with 1:3 parts water (for example, 1 cup oats = 3 cups water) and bring to a boil. [I like to add a pinch of salt to balance the natural sweetness of the rest of the ingredients, but this is completely optional].

  2. After boiling the oats for a about 1 minute, reduce the heat to a simmer or low to medium heat, stirring occasionally so that the oats do not stick to the bottom and the oats blend with the water.

  3. Add half of the banana (keeping the remaining half for later) and peanut butter, then cook for about 15 minutes or until the oats reach your desired consistency. If the oats seem too dry, simply add more water. You should be able smell when the oats is ready, but if not, a good rule of thumb is when the oats are fully translucent, looks plump in size and fully absorbed the water.

  4. A few seconds before removing the oats from the stove, add the Protein Powder and stir thoroughly. Take the oats off the heat and serve in bowl topped with the rest of the banana, cinnamon and chia seeds.

    Tip: If you’re like me and don’t like to the texture of banana, mash it before adding it to the saucepan. That way, the flavour of the banana also blends better with the oats.

Give this one a try and let me know your thoughts!


Delicious 30-Minute Mediterranean Chicken Salad


Banana & Pineapple Protein Shake