Banana & Pineapple Protein Shake

Banana & Pineapple Protein Shake


(Serves 2)

  • 4 scoops Vanilla Clean Lean Protein

  • 2 medium bananas (broken up in pieces)

  • 3-4 pineapple rings (roughly chopped)

  • 3-4 heaped tbsp lactose free yoghurt

  • 350-500ml water

  • ice cubes

  • Chia seeds and extra pineapple for decoration (Optional)

There was a time in my life when breakfasts simply wasn’t a priority for me, skipping it on most days, only to feel sluggish and irritated by lunchtime. In today’s busy world, I’m pretty sure that most people living the traditional 9-5 can relate.

However, over a year ago when I started my running journey, it became clear to me that living this way just wasn’t sustainable anymore and that something needed to change. Let’s just say that the increasing amount of exercise always left me feeling hungry, forcing me to plan and prioritise my meals a bit better.

But, while cooking and pretty much anything related to nutrition is a big passion of mine, making a healthy breakfast is not something that would naturally come to mind when I think about food. Plus, time (or lack thereof) is always something that I need to consider.

So, fast-forward to today, protein shakes has become a breakfast staple in my life and something that I can hardly live without. It’s quick, easy and with the right ingredients, a meal that will keep you feeling nourished and satisfied until lunchtime.

After trying many different protein powders on the market today, Nuzest Clean Lean Protein is now my go-to fuel source for my morning protein shakes and today I just created yet another delicious variation of my (now famous) breakfast smoothies. If you’re anything like me and love pineapple or banana or both, stay tuned for this recipe as you’ll probably make this one on repeat.

As always, making smoothies is probably the quickest, easiest way to get all our nutritional needs for the day, so If you’re interested in adding some of these into your daily routine, I highly recommend you invest in a blender that is not necessarily the best of the best, but that will happily become your most frequently used kitchen appliance.

Banana & Pineapple Protein Shake

Banana & Pineapple Protein Shake Recipe

This is the perfect recipe for those long, hot mediterranean summers!


  1. Add everything to a blender (start with the wet ingredients first) and mix thoroughly.

  2. Pour into your favourite jam jar, decorate with fresh ingredients and enjoy the nourishment.

  3. Note: When possible, I recommend buying fresh seasonal fruits, chop them in smaller pieces and store in the freezer for up to 6 months. This way, you’re smoothies will stay colder and fresher for longer.


A Must-try High Protein Vegan Breakfast Recipe


Sesame Peanut Butter Bliss Balls